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393 lines
** $Filename: demo.FPL $
** $Release: 13.2 $
** $Date: 95/07/23 $
** (C) Copyright 1992 - 1995 by FrexxWare
** All Rights Reserved
>>>>>> Frexx Programming Language (FPL) demonstration program <<<<<<
Author: Daniel Stenberg.
FPL is an interpreting, library based programming language designed to be
flexible and easy to insert in any software that needs some kind of
batch/macro control.
FPL is a complete programming language very similar to C. (Just look at
this program example!)
FPL.library lets the software programmer define functions that FPL should
accept. The library will call a function in the software whenever any of
these functions are discovered.
In this example, the printf() function is a such function. To be able to
run this example you must use the "src/SFPL" program. (Look at the code in
caller.c and see how simple it is to implement.) This example is working with
FPL version 9+.
FPL is freely distributable for non-commercial purposes only, including
extensive documentation and source code.
* Prototype all function we'll use:
#pragma cache /* pragma using little example! */
void strings();
void integers();
void mix_them();
void arrays();
int expressions();
void conditions();
void loops();
void constants();
void locals();
void recursive();
void functions();
export void arg_functions(); /* make this global system-wide */
typedef long LONG; /* good old Commodore habit! */
LONG label(int);
LONG test(int);
LONG setvar(int *);
LONG printint(int);
LONG double2(int a) /* declare before use instead of prototype! */
return a*2; // with or without parentheses!
int ninja=1;
export int ninjax=0;
auto loop;
* Main program part coming up:
do {
strings(); // How to use strings.
integers(); // How to use integers.
mix_them(); // How to mix strings and integers.
arrays(); // How to use arrays.
//expressions();// How to write expressions.
conditions(); // How to check conditions.
loops(); // How to loop.
constants(); // How to write constants.
locals(); // How to use local variables.
recursive(); // How to recurse.
functions(); // How to use the functions.
arg_functions(); // How to send parameters to your own functions.
} while(loop++<10);
* Here follows a subroutine featuring some of the string expression
* facilities that FPL includes:
void strings()
string a; /* declaration of a string */
string b="Written "; /* declaration and assign */
string c[2]; /* string array declaration */
string d="\x65\157"; /* hexadecimal + octal ASCII */
a="bb"; /* string variable assign */
a[1]='y'; /* single character access! */
b+=a; /* string appending */
"Stenberg"}; /* array assigning */
printf("%s %s %s ", b, c[0], c[1]); /* display result */
* Here follows a subroutine featuring some of the integer handlings that
* can be done:
void integers()
int a; /* integer declaration */
int b=200; /* declaration assign */
int c[2]={-25, 1234}; /* array declaration and assign */
a=10; /* integer variable assign */
c[0]+={2019, 758}; /* compound array assign */
printf("%d - %d!\n", c[1], c[0]); /* display the contents of c[0-1] */
* Numerical expressions can be converted to strings by using ltostr() or
* itoa().
void mix_them()
string a="Copyright ", c; /* two string variables */
int b; /* one integer variable */
b=a[0]; /* get ASCII code of column 2 */
printf("%s%s by ", a, ltostr(b*97+30+022, 16)); /* display result */
* FPL supports multi dimensional arrays (max 40 dimensions though):
void arrays()
int c[5][2]={
{2, 0},
{3, 1}
int a[25]={0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}; /* declaration assign */
string b[4];
a[12]^={3, 2, 1, 0}; /* array compound assign */
resize a[10]; /* array resizing */
output(b[0]={"FPL", "is", "Copyright by", "FrexxWare!"});
* Expressions are very extensible in FPL. It features all ANSI C operators
* and has 100% operator precedence compatibility:
int expressions()
int a=128, b=3, c, d;
string out;
c=~(a>>b)+2*b-a++/50 & (d=a*2-1); /* complex formula */
c^= (2^3&3+a)%c; /* compound assign */
output(d = c---a-b*10); /* output integer! */
output("% "); /* output string! */
return d;
* Conditions are used just as i C.
void conditions()
int a=11;
switch( expressions() ) {
case 99:
output("Turbo pascal");
case 100:
output("ANSI C");
output(" operator ");
* Loops are used just as in C. (While has been improved with else support
* and break with a level option!):
void loops()
int a, b;
for(a=0; a<10; a++) {
int Bninja;
else {
output("Very " /* Strings in */
"easy" /* several parts */
" implemented, "); /* just as in C! */
/* This upper thing is a 5.3+ feature! */
break; /* break out of loop! */
do {
} while(a);
while(1) {
output("very similar to C.\n");
break 5;/* break out of multiple loops! */
* Constants can be written in several different ways in FPL:
void constants()
int a= 010 + /* octal number */
0b100 + /* binary number */
0xdead - /* hexadecimal number */
211 + /* common decimal number */
'A'+ /* ASCII code */
'\t'; /* ASCII code of control char */
* Variables always exist in their declared level and in the following ones
* execpt when new variables are declared there with the same name:
void locals()
int a=2, b=11; /* declare a and b here */
int a=3; /* declare a here */
int a=4; /* declare a here */
int a=5; /* declare a here */
test(b); /* jump to test and come back */
} /* this removes one a variable */
} /* this removes another a variable */
} /* this removes yet another a variable */
printf("%d kinds of comments, ", a); /* this is the original variable */
int test(int b)
printf("FPL features %d internal functions\n", b);
* FPL is fully recursive:
void recursive()/* This example shows the recursiveness by using a lot of */
/* unnecessary braces and from within the innermost brace */
/* level call itself. */
int b;
int label(int b)
int a;
if(++b<5) {
while(1) {
} else
printf("Finally we reached this point when b equals %d.\n", 2<<b);
* FPL supplies several internal functions:
void functions()
int a, b=2, c;
string str1="hello", str2="world", str3="l", num="12";
a=strcmp(str1, str2); /* compare two strings */
a=strncmp(str1, str2, b); /* compare two strings a certain length */
a=strstr(str2, str3); /* search for substring within a big string */
str3=substr(str1, 0, 3); /* get substring */
a=atoi(num); /* decimal string to numerical */
a=strtol(num, 16); /* any-base string to numerical */
str3=ltostr(a, 14); /* integer to string, base 14 */
num+="-19"; /* append to string */
c=eval(num); /* calculate a string!!! */
a=strlen(str2); /* length of a string */
/* absolute value of integer: */
printf("abs(%s) equals %d.\n", num, abs(c));
void arg_functions()
long a; // supports `long', which is the same as `int'
for(a=0; a<5; a++)
printint(double2(a)); // `inside' functions used as any other function!
setvar(&a); // assign variable a!
printint(a); // to prove it really changed!
printint((++ninjax, ninja++)); /* Using comma separator in functions that
only wants one parameter! */
int setvar(int *variable) // integer variable as argument
*variable=100; // assigns the received variable!
int printint(int x) // integer as argument
printf("|%d|", x); // output the numer received!
>Copyright (C) 1992 - 1994 by FrexxWare<